Join the study to end Heart Disease.

Be a part of an ambitious study to end Heart Disease. It only takes a few minutes to make a big difference. Anyone can join — whether you have Heart Disease or not.

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It's really easy.

To beat the world's worst killer, you need the world's best technology. Whether on a phone, tablet, or laptop, we make it easy to fight Heart Disease, from wherever you are, at your own pace.

It's really safe.

Our team is based at a university hospital and has decades of experience in clinical research. We will never sell, rent, or lease your information. Everything you tell us is private and used only to fight Heart Disease.

It really makes a difference.

Everything we know about how to stay healthy comes from studies just like this one. Be a part of something big: help us expand the information we know about how to save lives.

I want to help prevent people from losing their loved ones. The more we know about Heart Disease, the less that will happen.

My mom died of a heart attack last year. I want to help prevent people from losing their loved ones. The more we know about Heart Disease, the less that will happen.

We can't do this without you.

Don't underestimate your contribution. Every bit of data brings us closer to saving lives.